Jamie Turcotte - Nevins (Secretary) - C/O Flynn Brothers Funeral Home
13 Gates Avenue
Schuylerville, NY 12871
Phone: 518-695-3138

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Careers & Programs

There are many reasons to enter the funeral profession. We can offer you the support you need to get started.

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As a convenience  we have included a listing of many of the local churches in our area. A growing number of churches are starting to publish their own web sites to allow visitors to learn more about their clergy, congregation and many other features and services of the church.


Sample Church  
123 Main Street Kingston ON K7M1C4
Phone: 613-546-1235
Alternate Phone: 613-546-8945
Fax: 613-549-8521
Website: http://www.samplechurch.com
Email: sample@church.com