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There are many reasons to enter the funeral profession. We can offer you the support you need to get started.
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About Us
The mission of the Adirondack's Funeral Director's Association is to promote the general perception of funeral service as a profession, whose practitioners are committed to the highest ethical standards. Our programs are designed to strengthen the skills of our members, allowing them to successfully operate their funeral firm in a time of significant change in public attitudes and expectations. Encouraging a new generation to enter the profession, the Adirondack's Funeral Director's Association provides select resources for inquiring students. Also existing to serve the consumer, the Adirondack's Funeral Director's Association works diligently to cultivate awareness in the general public about the role of the funeral professional, and the importance of ceremony and remembrance.
Legislative AdvocacyWe are committed to assuming the advocate’s role on behalf of professionals in funeral service. Learn how we promote your interests, and those of the families you serve, in the halls, meeting rooms and offices of local, state, and federal government.
Consumer Education & AwarenessWe know the importance of consumer education. That’s why we take great care to bring accurate information to families in search of a reliable source of funeral service-related knowledge. Consult this section to see how our association promotes public understanding and appreciation of our profession.
MembersView members, past presidents, and officers.
Contact UsDo you have questions about membership in the NEWEST Funeral Association Clone? Perhaps you'd like to know more about our ethical guidelines or professional development programs? Click here to use our online contact form.
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